Broken People can fix Broken people.

Whenever we are in discussions and I hear any mom speak I could hear her say and wonder: 
“When is somebody going to do something about that?”

I would like you to wake up from your trance and realize that, in fact, “you are that somebody.” And not just anybody, but that somebody that you have been waiting for your whole life. 

In order to be perfect you have 
Waited for large years of your life to arrive at the  the imaginary starting line.

Many of us find ourselves waiting for the life that we want for ourselves and those we love to just show up. We spend a lot of time trying to “fix” ourselves so that we can feel worthy or be ready to show up fully in our own lives and in this world. The fact that we are broken and not complete makes it a beautiful thing.Because broken people are equipped to help, broken people can fix other people.

I am broken, your are broken and thats beautiful coz then we all have the pieces to fix eachother.

We have the choice of getting bitter or getting better.

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